Yesterday was an awesome first day. I got up with the kids, around a reasonable 8:30. I was able to get them both fed, start the laundry, and even enjoy a cup of coffee. Then I got the little one down for a nap and completely caught up on some dishes that had been piling up while the older kid watched Nick Jr. Then Pappi (my dad) came over and had some lunch with Cali. By this time Bodie had been up a while and playing. I got him fed and then both kids fully cooperated with a nap. While they were sleeping (including Pappi) I was able to get some more laundry done and get the kids packed up. Then we took the kids to the aviation museum here in Sacramento
Cali and Bodie both did awesome and we even went to the killer playground they have there. So, all in all, yesterday was a smashing success.
Today, and it's only 10am, is not going nearly as smoothly. The big one, she's been great. Even trying desperately to help me with her little brother. That little guy, on the other hand, has not been a happy camper at all. I'm pretty sure he's cutting more teeth, he's already got two. But man, his sister was not this difficult as far as I can remember. He woke up at 7:00, when mommy was getting ready for work, was fairly content till she left. Then things took a sad turn. He's been fussy and sad non-stop until about 10 minutes ago when he finally exhausted himself to sleep. It's been a gambit of letting him cry long enough to feed his sister, then try to make a bottle that he won't eat.
Needless to say, as triumphant as I felt yesterday, these kids have a real gift for giving us a reality check. I know that we'll get through this, as with all things, but the fact remains that parenting is hard. That's all there is to it. Unlike most jobs where you have a schedule and there is a certain set parameter of things that can and will happen, parenting can and will involve every possibility. I've been really blessed so far that there haven't been any extreme bad events. Praying that it continues that way.
Thanks for listening you guys.