Friday, April 25, 2014

Post 6 (4/24/14)

Hey folks. How have you all been? I hope you all had a great Easter. We had a great time and amazing food. Breakfast at my parents house followed by dinner at Jess' mom's house. Cali even got to hunt for eggs two days early with Grammy and Poppy before they headed back to Ohio.

Egg Hunt

Speaking if the Ohio family, what a great visit. They were here for a week and the kids were in heaven while they were here. Poor little Bodie was still fairly sick when they first got here (he was just getting over a cold and cutting a few teeth all at the same time). Thankfully he got better after a couple days into their visit and his mood did a full 180. He just suddenly became happy and fun and full of smiles.

Look at that face, what a stinker.
We were also lucky enough to have the Buckeye's here for Cali's third birthday. I'm still shocked that she's already 3. She's grown and changed so much over theses 3 quick years. She's really becoming quite a little person, and I love her more and more every day. She had so much fun that day. It was attended by only family because once we started thinking of friends to invite, the numbers quickly grew out of control. That's quite a blessing to have that many people in our lives that care about us.

Cousins helping cousins

My little Merida

Jess Enjoying Drewski's
Grammy and Poppy gave us a date night, which was awesome. We had dinner at the local food trucks thanks to Sacto MoFo (our local food truck organization). The food was amazing and then we were going to just go wander the mall and enjoy some shopping kid free. This is how you know you're getting old; we spent the remainder of our date night at the tempurepedic store shopping for mattresses, hahaha. That being said, we had a blast and will probably be buying a new mattress with all the works after we fix the roof :)

The next big thing coming up for us is an awesome trip to Disneyland. The really exciting part is that it's a kid-free trip. The bug reason for this is that it's a birthday trip for a close friend, Chelsea, and no one is bringing kids. Second to that is that we don't feel that the kids are old enough to really enjoy it enough yet to justify the cost. The only reason this is even possible is because of the amazing grandparents our kids have been blessed with, and their aunt, my sister. Everyone is pitching in to watch them while we're gone so that no one is over-burdened and we will be able to be gone for 5 full days. So, thank you in advance to all the family pitching in in this. I will post after the trip to tell you guys how it went for us, as well as for the family back here in Sacramento.

I wanted to say a quick thank you it all of you loyal followers. You guys encourage me to keep creating more content for you all. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Post 5 (4/9/14)

Good morning my legion of readers. Ok, to be a little more accurate, good morning you two. Today funds us in the second week of April, the sun is shining, the temperature is comfortably in the mid to high 70's, and both kids have been sick the last two days. This is difficult to deal with for a few reasons.

(She's hamming it up for the blog)

First and foremost is how hard it is to see your children miserable and suffering without being able to do much of anything to help them. Cali, being the older kid, is a little bit easier to deal with because she can communicate and understand, to a degree, what's happening. There also a few other options with an older child. I was able to give her warm water with honey to help her throat (which really helped a lot and she liked the taste) and stuff like that. 

Bodie, on the other hand, is just a little baby and when babies are sick, it's heart-wrenching. Yesterday was the worse of it, I think. He had a slight fever and didn't want to do anything but sleep. He would wake up to eat, and then sit there and whine for an hour or so, and then he would be rubbing his eyes and leaning into my chest. I hate to see my little man suffer and know there's nothing I can do about it. With Cali, at least snuggling with her helped soothe her. Bodie has never been a snuggler so trying to comfort him doesn't even work. I did discover one little trick that seemed to calm him down though, if I held him in my lap, back against me, and gently rubbed his feet together, he would quiet down and cute. 

This all led to one of the least restful nights I've had as a parent in a while, and that's saying something with two kids, one only 7 months old. Cali woke up at 1:30am crying and trying to come upstairs. After I got her settled back into bed and going back to sleep, Bodie decided to wake up at 3am crying. I couldn't find his pacifier for the longest time which led to some house language under my breath while trying desperately to calm him done and not disturb my wife too much. She had to work today and being a nurse, I believe she needs to be on top of her game and well rested. I finally got him settled and sleeping. Then, at 5:30am, he woke back up starving. So, I had to feed him and change him and get him back down. This one didn't bother me as much because he often wakes up somewhere between 5 and 7 to eat, I was half expecting it. 

On the up side, Bodie slept till 8:30 this morning and Cali didn't get out if bed till 10:00. I know, I super lucked out in that one. And now, as of 11:30, Bodie is napping and Cali is watching her shows, giving me some valuable time to write to you all and vent about my night.

Another great thing, the in-laws are coming to town Saturday. Yeah, you read that right. I said, "great thing," and I meant it. They live in Ohio so they don't get to see the kids, let alone my wife, very often. The last time they got to see the kids, Bodie was only 2 months old. I know, 5 months isn't a very long time but all of you parents can vouch for the fact that there is a ton of change that happens in a child from 2 months to 7 months. Not to mention they are always so helpful and an all around welcome addition to our household when they come out. Albeit, welcome in a temporary status because this house is just too small for that many people for an extended amount of time ;) We love you Grammy and Poppy.