Friday, June 27, 2014

Post 10 (6/27/14)

This last week has been a busy one. Well, to be totally fair, every week is busy when you've got a three year old and a 9 month old. This last week though, maybe even the last two weeks, have seemed more hectic than usual. Right off the top of my head, I can think of the two biggest factors for this. 

One is totally self-imposed. Being a full time student, I'm coming up on finals week and this quarter has been a particularly work-heavy quarter. So, I've been playing catch up with school work and trying to prepare for finals next week. Like I said, this is all self-imposed stressors. The other factor, not so much. 

This second added business wasn't really self-imposed but it was totally expected. Bodie, the 9 month old, finally got mobile. He has totally mastered crawling, even though it still frustrates him that he can't get walk. This kid, as predicted by his mother and me, is ALL OVER THE PLACE. He cannot resist out entertainment center, that's definitely his favorite spot to explore. Of course, this is the number one non-kid-friendly spot in the house. With the Xbox and cable box, as well as a couple of baskets for odds and ends (e.g. Wallets, stamps, sunglasses, headphones, etc.), this whole area is both irrisistably interesting to a child and inexpressibly off limits from the parents perspective. So, in order to combat this kids non-stop movement, I've developed a little kiddie corral built up between the couch, my chair, and the coffee table.
Now, I know this is only going to hold him in for now. Eventually the kid will figure out how easily he can crawl under the table or push any of those items out of the way, but for now this is working really well. And as you can see, his big sister likes to sit in there with him. 

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