Monday, February 16, 2015

Post 16 (2/16/14)

Hi you guys. I know, it's been a long time. I will try to briefly catch you up.

The biggest and most consuming change we've made as a family, we moved. Have you guys ever moved with two little ones? It will never happen again for us. Not only did we move into a house that we love and fits us perfectly, but it is one of the hardest and most stressful things we've done. Trying to coordinate between, children, packing, physically moving, financial transactions, the list goes on and on. It's so much work. We survived it though. We got moved in and are now here loving the new house, but that wasn't the end of our struggle lately.

This house, mid-construction.
The weekend we moved in, my wife got sick and didn't have the energy to really help out. Luckily we had hired movers for the bulk of it, but it just added to the stress for her to be sick while we moved our lives. The following weekend, when we were supposed to finish moving our stuff and clearing out the old house, I came down sick. This was the first time I'd been sick with vomiting in longer than I could remember. So, thank God for my dad and friends who helped us out that last weekend.

I started feeling better by Sunday. A week from that Monday, I had surgery. I'm going to be brutally honest with you guys because I feel like that's the type of relationship we've developed together. I had a vasectomy. We have our reasons, and I may go into them in more detail in a later post, but it put me out of commission for a few days. Then, on my third day of recovery, my wife became violently ill. So, my recovery was cut short while I tried to take care of the kids and keep her isolated from them. Luckily, the kids didn't get sick at all. Unluckily, I did. I caught what she had and on the day she finally started feeling a little better, I was up all night with vomiting and diarrhea. This led to me being in quarantine the whole next day and her having to reach deep down and take care of the kids, while she should have been able to finish recovering. 

Once I started to recover, things seemed to finally be settling down. This brings us up to last week. I got to head down to Los Angeles and attend Gallifrey One, an amazing Doctor Who convention, with my dad and a good friend. Unfortunately, this meant that my amazing wife had to handle the kids all on her own for two nights after work, Thursday and Friday. She then had to wrangle the two little ones on a six and a half hour flight out to Ohio, on Saturday. I don't know how she does it, but I know I definitely married up. I got back home Sunday night and will be flying out to Ohio to finally be back with my amazing wife and kids early Wednesday morning.

Not my kids, but you get the idea
So, this hopefully illustrates why I haven't really posted in a while. I hope that you all forgive me and will continue to follow me. There is at least one really positive thing from all of this for you guys. I have a lot of material to pull from for future posts. Until then, I hope all of you have an amazing day/night, whatever time it is that you're reading this. I will see you soon. Hug your family.

Some cuteness to make up for my absence.

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